Sign making party this Friday @ EcoVerse 6:00 PM

Howdy food friends!

We will gathering Friday night for some sign making, pre-march planning, healthy food eating and film watching. Bring some crafts, cardboard, paper, paints, markers etc and let’s create some ‘Healthy Food’ bling for the march!

EcoVerse – 6:00 PM
304 11th Ave, San Diego CA
619 756 6299

Please share the Saturday event invite with your friends and families!

They have some healthy snacks and coffee at EcoVerse… we could also talk with them to see about the possibility of doing something like a potluck… a healthy food share!

Keng Doja of Royal Heart Music will be gracing us with some conscious healthy grooves! (

There will also be a screening of ‘No Impact Man‘ later in the evening.

We will also have ‘Healthy Food’ tshirts for sale… they are $15 and there are only 30 of them… so if you want one you better speak up or get there to purchase one!

With love & gratitude ~ the healthy food commUNITY!


March for Healthy Food ~ May 25th 11:00 AM

Greetings friends of local healthy food in San Diego!

You have a vision for creating a healthy and sustainable San Diego!  As an integral part of San Diego’s local food community YOU are invited to participate in and support a local food event called the ‘March for Healthy Food’ on May 25th at 11:00 AM.  This event has arisen from members our San Diego community who have a passion for local healthy food and are concerned about the current situations in the world regarding genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and the harmful effects they are having on people and the planet.

The ‘March for Healthy Food’ is a local component of the global ‘March Against Monsanto’ happening in countries all around the world at the same time on this day.  We are focusing on solutions, education, inspiration and positive actions we want to take together as a community to create the most healthy and sustainable local food system possible.

This event is about bringing together all of the individuals and organizations in San Diego that are passionate about local healthy food, sharing information, teaching one another and inspiring our community to take positive action to support our local food movement.

The March for Healthy Food supports the following values and actions….

  • having access to accurate information and the CHOICE to know what is in our food (label GMO’s)

  • supporting local organic farms, farmers markets, food cooperatives and urban agriculture

  • learning and teaching one another how to grow our own food

  • supporting and creating more home gardens, community gardens and yardshare programs

  • supporting and expanding the ‘Nourish Curriculum’ in our local schools

  • working together with city council and urban planners to create a forward thinking plan that meets the nutritional and agricultural needs of our city (inspiring example: Portland)

  • accountability for government and corporate institutions with regard to food justice and public safety

The march is beginning at 11:00 AM in Balboa Park… will continue to the Little Italy Farmers Market… and then Amici Park at 1:00 PM (2 blocks from the market / W Date & State St).  Here at the park we will be having a commUNITY potluck with ingredients from the market and an education/inspiration exchange.  We invite you, your organization and your network of healthy food supporters to join us!  We will have a microphone and speakers so local organizations and individuals can share what they are doing in our community and how people can get involved with their projects.  Please bring literature, flyers and education to share… please feel free to set up a pop-up table for your organization/business and promote what you are doing.  We will be inviting the press so there will be media coverage that can provide great exposure for your organization.

This event is a celebration being creating by the commUNITY of San Diego, there is no one organization or group organizing this… this is a community effort to support one another and inspire one another with new ideas and creative solutions that will lead to amazing, local healthy food for everyone in San Diego!  Let’s inspire other communities all around the world as we lead this ‘March for Healthy Food’!

If you would like to participate in the planning and communication for this event please send emails to the google group (  For more information and updates please see the links below…

Please pass this information on to anyone in San Diego who shares a passion for healthy food!

Let’s get back to our ROOTS!  Let’s GROW TOGETHER as commUNITY!

With joy & gratitude,

Healthy Food supporters & citizens of San Diego

‘Healthy Food’ update from meeting last night…

local healthy food

Hi friends of healthy food! 🙂

We had a great planning meeting last night for the ‘March for Healthy Food’… thank you so much to those of you who were able to make it!  Below is an update of the route we are planning to take.  Please share your thoughts and ideas… everything is still flexible.  I just spoke with People’s Coop and tentatively penciled our names in for another planning meeting in the community room next Friday (May 10th) from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.  They have live music there on Friday nights and it is pretty fun… I thought maybe we could all eat some healthy food from the deli together and then discuss some more of the details that need to be iron out before the event?! What do ya’all think of that?!

Here is the update….

The ‘March for Healthy Food’ is a public solutions oriented event focused on working together as a community to create a more healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego.  We are coming together to learn from one another, share information and work together to provide healthy food for our local communities.  This is a peaceful and positive event with the intention of inspiring positive action, cooperation and collaboration within our community.  If you are in support of healthy food… you’re in!!! (to participate and help plan please email:

We support the following values and actions….

  • having access to accurate information and the CHOICE to know what is in our food (label GMO’s)

  • supporting local organic farms, farmers markets, food cooperatives and urban agriculture

  • learning and teaching one another how to grow our own food

  • supporting and creating more home gardens, community gardens and yardshare programs

  • supporting and expanding the ‘Nourish Curriculum’ in our local schools

  • working together with city council and urban planners to create a forward thinking plan that meets the nutritional and agricultural needs of our city (inspiring example: Portland)

  • accountability for government and corporate institutions with regard to food justice and public safety

We will be gathering at the fountain in Balboa Park (Bea Evenson Fountain near Natural History Museum) at 11:00 AM on May 25th.  Everyone that is participating in the ‘March for Healthy Food’ please wear a GREEN shirt, hat or GREEN ANYTHING to signify that you are in support of our mission.  We will also have groovy green T-shirts for sale!  We want to create inspiration and solidarity around our shared values!  Bring lotsa water, healthy snacks, a great attitude and comfy shoes to make the March!

Balboa Park Fountain (11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon)

  • education and information exchange from local individuals and organizations actively involved in the healthy local food movement

  • interactive commUNITY performance rehearsal including music, acro-yoga, dance and circus arts – this will be themed around creating a garden, planting seeds and growing together (we will perform this at the Little Italy Farmer’s Market & Amici Park)

March from fountain to Little Italy Farmer’s Market (12:00 – 12:45 PM)

  • a happy go-lucky band of healthy food supporters marching down the streets sharing smiles, education and information about healthy food

  • marching to Farmer’s Market for direct action of supporting our local farmers

Little Italy Farmers Market (12:45 – 1:00 PM)

  • interactive commUNITY performance on the corner of India & Date St. with the band that is playing at the market!

  • commUNITY potluck ingredients – march participants who choose to will buy healthy organic ingredients from local farmers at the market for our potluck at Amici Park (2 blocks away)

Walk 2 blocks to Amici Park (1:00 – 1:15 PM)

  • Amici Park is 2 blocks from the farmers market on the corner of W Date & State St.

CommUNITY Potluck & information exchange at Amici Park (1:15 – 3:30 PM)

  • together we will prepare a healthy meal for the commUNITY of San Diego made from organic ingredients purchased at the Farmer’s Market!!  everyone is welcome… invite your friends and family!!! (we will coordinate logistics of cooking supplies and materials)

  • education and information exchange from local individuals and organizations actively involved in the healthy local food movement

  • this is a leave-a-positive trace event so please bring your own reusable cutlery (let’s try to create no waste!)

Upcoming events and ways to stay involved! (see calendar @

  • June 1st (Saturday) – Garden building celebration and workshop with Good Neighbor Gardens

  • June 21st (Friday) – Summer Solstice Local Earth Bonfire & Potluck (

  • July 6th (Saturday) – Rainwater Harvesting & Garden Building Party with the Local Earth Collective

  • August 3rd (Saturday) – CommUNITY garden building day with Local Earth & partners

March for Healthy Food – Planning Meeting II (Thursday, May 2nd 5:30 PM)

March for Healthy Food – Planning Meeting II
Thursday, May 2nd 5:30 – 7:00 PM
World Resource SIM Center
1088 3rd Ave, San Diego CA 92101


  • Press/Media Coverage
  • Logo
  • Flyers – printing & distribution
  • T-shirts
  • Information/seed exchange
  • Potluck/cooking logistics
  • Follow Up events/involvement
  • Interactive CommUNITY Performance
  • Permits / legal compliance

Event Details (tentative outline)
March for Healthy Food
Saturday, May 25th
11:00 AM – Bea Evenson Fountain in Balboa Park near Natural History Museum
12:30 PM – Little Italy Farmers Market (corner of India & Date)
1:30 PM – Civic Center Plaza – CommUNITY Potluck
See website for further details:

The ‘March for Healthy Food’ is a public event focused on working together as a community to create a more healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego. We are coming together to learn from one another, share information and work together to provide healthy food for our local communities. This is a peaceful and positive event with the intention of inspiring positive action, cooperation and collaboration within our community. If you are in support of healthy food… you’re in!!! (to participate and help plan please email:

We support the following values and actions….

  • having access to accurate information and the CHOICE to know what is in our food (label GMO’s)
  • supporting local organic farms, farmers markets, food cooperatives and urban agriculture
  • learning and teaching one another how to grow our own food
  • supporting and creating more home gardens, community gardens and yardshare programs
  • supporting and expanding the ‘Nourish Curriculum’ in our local schools
  • working together with city council and urban planners to create a forward thinking plan that meets the nutritional and agricultural needs of our city (inspiring example: Portland)

March for Healthy Food update…

… thank you to those of you who showed up for our 1st planning meeting last night!! a great meeting! for those of you who couldn’t make it we will have meeting notes typed up soon and posted. below is a document outlining some of the thoughts we came up by the end of last night’s brainstorming/planning… please share your thoughts and feedback!!!

Our next planning meeting is next Thursday (May 2nd) at the World Resource SIM Center downtown at 5:30 PM (1088 Third Ave, San Diego, CA 92101)… please join us and invite your friends!!!

The ‘March for Healthy Food’ is a public event focused on working together as a community to create a more healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego.  We are coming together to learn from one another, share information and work together to provide healthy food for our local communities.  This is a peaceful and positive event with the intention of inspiring positive action, cooperation and collaboration within our community.  If you are in support of healthy food… you’re in!!!


We support the following values and actions….

  • having access to accurate information and the CHOICE to know what is in our food (label GMO’s)

  • supporting local organic farms, farmers markets, food cooperatives and urban agriculture

  • learning and teaching one another how to grow our own food

  • supporting and creating more home gardens, community gardens and yardshare programs

  • supporting and expanding the ‘Nourish Curriculum’ in our local schools

  • working together with city council and urban planners to create a forward thinking plan that meets the nutritional and agricultural needs of our city (inspiring example: Portland)

We will be gathering at the fountain in Balboa Park (Bea Evenson Fountain near Natural History Museum) at 11:00 AM on May 25th.  Everyone that is participating in the ‘March for Healthy Food’ please wear a GREEN shirt, hat or GREEN ANYTHING to signify that you are in support of our mission.  We will also have groovy T-shirts for sale!  We want to create inspiration and solidarity around our shared values!  Bring lotsa water, healthy snacks, a great attitude and comfy shoes to make the March!

1st Planning Meeting (April 25th, 6:00 PM, People’s Coop)

First planning meeting April 25th (Thursday)

6:00 PM at People’s Coop

4765 Voltaire St, San Diego


Intention:  Bring together anyone in San Diego with an interest in planning, supporting and participating in the CommUNITY March for Healthy Food.

Objective:  Creating 3-5 actionable goals that we want to support as commUNITY to create a healthy and sustainable food system in San Diego.


Awareness  } \                                              //  Individual Action  \\

Education   } – >>>>>>>> ACTION >>> <&                          >>>>> Celebration!

Inspiration  } /                                              \\  Collective Action  //

Optimal health in relationship to…

  • self

  • community

  • planet/nature

Potential Action Committees

– Marketing/Promotion

– Press / Public Relations

– Green T-shirts or hats etc.

  • something that signifies people in the event that are Marching for Healthy Food – need logo design

– Communications/Dialogue with Monsanto

  • attempt to set up panel discussion with Monsanto representatives and food experts to support a positive discussion focused on finding common ground on things we as a community of San Diego are willing to work towards together

– Pro-active / Inter-active CommUNITY Performance

  • interactive performance of acro-yoga, dance and circus performance choreographed with fun actions and story of commUNITY working together to plant seeds and grow healthy food

Create list of organizations to invite and participate

  • San Diego Roots

  • Label GMO’s

  • Wild Willows

  • (all organic local farms)

  • Green Party SD

  • Growing with Purpose

  • GreenPeace

  • City Council

  • People’s Coop

  • Casa de Luz

  • Word Resource / Sim Center

  • Community Garden Network


March for Healthy Food

Healthy Food for Local Earth

The CommUNITY March for Healthy Food is a positive action component to the ‘March Against Monsanto’ on May 25th at 11:00 AM PST. (San Diego)

This component of the march has arisen from the Local Earth Collective to provide a clearly defined goal that we would like to work together as a community in San Diego to create.   As a collective we are choosing to focus our energies into what WE WANT TO CREATE as a HEALTHY and SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Richard Buckminster Fuller

We are choosing to focus on finding common ground upon which we can collectively work to create a healthy food system for this planet.  Rather than provoking a fight with Monsanto; we are choosing an open hand and invitation for positive collaboration with any individuals or organizations (including Monsanto) that results in steps forward in our planets collective journey towards health, happiness and justice.

Choosing to fight ‘against’ something requires a lot of energy and often leaves us with limited energy left to CREATE what we are IN SUPPORT OF.  As a collective we are proposing that we harness the energy of this event and focus it into creating something positive for the food systems of our local and global community.  We feel it is necessary to make sure we clearly know what we are in support of and provide solutions, if we are choosing to take a stance against something.

See the Facebook group ‘Healthy Food for Local Earth / San Diego’ – for discussions on how to generate local actions we can take to create a healthy and sustainable food system for our planet!

We will be meeting Thursday, April 25th in the community room at People’s Coop from 6:00 – 7:00 PM to discuss and plan what positive steps of action we are ready to take! (Address: 4765 Voltaire St, San Diego, CA 92107)

If you live somewhere other than San Diego and are interested in helping organize a March for Healthy Food in your commUnity please email  We will give you admin access to the Facebook page and you can create an event for your community!  Please share this message and invitation with all of your family and friends that you care about!  Healthy food is one of our most fundamental basic necessities that all of humanity shares, and one of the most important tools we have to creating a healthy and happy life.  Let’s work together to education ourselves, spread awareness and inspire others to do the same!

With joy, love, respect and gratitude,
The Local Earth Collective


March Against Monsanto (Global):

Healthy Food for Local Earth (Global Information):

The Local Earth Collective: